Ana Ilić is Good Governance Director in NALED since 2018, in charge of building capacities for economic development, regional cooperation and advancing the EU agenda, in particular on local level. She has been active in development cooperation since 2001, serving as Deputy Director- Coordinator for EU Funds in the European Integration Office of the Government of Serbia in the period 2014- 2017. She was in charge of programming the EU’s Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), coordinated Serbia’s participation in regional, cross-border and transnational EU programs and other bilateral and multilateral assistance. She was Head of the Working Group on EU accession regarding Chapter 22- Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments, member of Serbia’s Negotiation Team for accession to the EU, responsible for Chapter 22, National Coordinator for the Danube Region, member of program committees of the Regional School of Public Administration and Regional Cooperation Council.