Valeria Valeri is a Financial Manager and Financial Manager Advisor with 30-year experience in EU Member States and candidate countries, comprising work on establishment of management, control and supervision systems and supporting delivery of both EU Cohesion and pre-accession funds. Her work with the public administration and banking sector in Italy, Romania and Croatia included positions as Fund Manager, Financial Advisor, Resident Twinning Advisor and Lead Consultant for EU Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments. She is currently engaged as key expert in the Cohesion Policy project financed by the European Union in Serbia to prepare the country for EU membership. Her experience in the Western Balkans includes over 4-year work under the Infrastructure Project Facility financed by the EU Western Balkans Investment Framework, and working in key expert and team leader positions in Albania. She holds a Master Degree in Economics and Management from Bocconi University of Milan.